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List of Fetishes
Acomoclitic - A preference for hairless genitals.
Acousticophilia - Arousal from (certain) sounds.
Acrophilia - Being sexual aroused by heights.
Acrotomophilia - Arousal by the activity/thought of having sex with an amputee.
Actirasty - Arousal from exposure to the suns rays.
Acucullophallia - Circumcision.
Adolescentilism - Playing the role of an adolescent.
Agalmatophilia - A fetish for statues/mannequins.
Agonophilia - Pseudo-rape, pretend struggle or wrestling play as a form of foreplay.
Agoraphilia - Arousal from having sex in public places.
Agrexophilia - Excitement from knowing that others are aware of a persons sexual activities.
Aischrolgia - The expression of obscenities.
Albutophilia - Arousal from water.
Algolagnia - Both Masochism and Sadism.
Algophilia - Enjoyment or arousal from pain.
Allopellia - Orgasm from watching others have sex.
Allorgasmia - The need to fantasise about a more desirable partner in order to orgasm.
Altocalciphilia - High heel fetish.
Alvinolagnia - Stomach fetish.
Amaurophilia - Excitement from having a partner who is unable to see them during sex.
Ambisextrous - Attractive to both sexes.
Amelotasis - Attraction to someone who has lost a limb.
Amomaxia - Sex in a parked car.
Amychesis - The act of scratching a partner during sex.
Anaclitism - Sexual enjoyment arising from activities, or being exposed to objects, normally associated with childhood (e.g. toilet training, breast sucking, playing with dolls).
Anasteemaphilia - Being attracted to someone due to a difference in height.
Anolinctus - The act of licking the anus of another.
Anolingus - The act of inserting the tongue into the anus of another (as opposed to just licking it).
Anthropophagolagnia - Rape with cannibalism (usually after the rape).
Anthropophagy - Cannibalism for sexual purposes.
Apotemnophilia - Arousal from the idea of losing a limb (either through accident or surgical procedure).
Arachnephilia - Arousal from play with spiders.
Asphyxiaphilia - Sexual arousal, or enhancement, from lack of oxygen.
Autagonistophilia - Arousal from being on stage, being in front of a camera or in the public eye.
Autoassassinophilia - "Stage managing the possibility of one's own masochistic death by murder". Coined by John Money.
Autogynephilia - Sexual excitement from cross dressing.
Automasochism - The act of inflicting pain or injuries on oneself as a way of causing sexual stimulation.
Automysophilia - Arousal from being dirty or defiled.
Autophagy - The ingesting of one's own flesh (usually for sexual reasons).
Axillism - Using the armpit for sex (as a substitute vagina).
Belonephilia - Arousal from using of needles.
Bestialsadism - Arousal from performing cruel acts to animals.
Biastophilia - Only being aroused when sexually assaulting an unwilling victim.
Biiest - A female who has a fetish for female feet.
Blastolagnia - A person aroused by young females.
Botulinonia - Using a sausage as a dildo.
Capnolagnia - Arousal from watching others smoke.
Catheterophilia - Arousal from the use of catheters.
Chezolagnia - Masturbating whilst defecating.
Choreophilia - Sexual arousal from dancing.
Chrematistophilia - Arousal from either paying for sex or from being robbed.
Claustrophilia - Sexual arousal from being confined in small spaces e.g. cages, coffins or straight jackets.
Clitoridectomy - Surgical removal of the clitoris in females (obviously).
Coitobalnism - Sexual activities whilst in the bath.
Coitus A Cheval - Sex on a horse.
Coitus A Unda - Sex in water.
Coitus Interfermoris - Penetration between the thighs. Sometimes used as a form of birth control.
Colobosis - Mutilation of the penis.
Coprography - "To write with faeces". To write obscene graffiti, poems or stories. Arousal from obscene words.
Coprophagy - The act of eating faeces. Quite a popular activity up until the 1700s.
Coprophilia - Refers to someone that is sexually aroused by faeces.
Corephallism - Having anal sex with a young girl.
Dacnolagnomania - A lust murder.
Dacryphilia - Refers to someone that is aroused by seeing tears in the eyes of their partner.
Dasyproctic - With hairy buttocks.
Defecolagbia - Arousal from defecating.
Dippoldism - Sexual arousal from beating/chastising children.
Dogging - The watching of couples having sex in parked cars.
Doleros - Arousal from pain.
Doraphilia - Love of fur or skin (usually leather).
Dysmorphophilia - Sexual arousal from deformities in others.
Ecorchement - Flagellation.
Ecouteurism - Unintentional arousal from sounds.
Electrophilia - Arousal from electrical stimulus.
Emetophilia - Arousal from vomit or vomiting.
Endytophilia - Refers to preferring a sex partner to be clothed rather than naked during sex.
Entomophilia - The use of insects for sexual stimulation.
Epispadias - The condition whereby the urethra opens up on the upper surface of the penis instead of extending through the centre to the tip of the penis.
Erotographomania - Strong desire to write love letters or poetry.
Flatuphilia - Arousal from others passing gas.
Formicophilia - Sex play with ants/insects.
Gerontophilia - Arousal from people who are significantly older.
Gomphipothic - Arousal from the sight of teeth.
Gynelophilous - Arousal from the sight/touch of pubic hair.
Gynemimetophilia - Someone is aroused by a male who is impersonating a female.
Harmatophilia - Arousal from mistake or from breaking rules.
Harpaxophilia - sexual arousal from being robbed.
Hebephilia - Attraction to teenagers.
Hodophilia - Sexual arousal from travelling to new or strange places.
Homilophilia - Arousal from giving or receiving a sermon or speech.
Hygrophilia - Arousal from contact with body secretions (tears, salvia etc.)
Hyphephilia - Sexual arousal from touching (certain) fabrics.
Jactitation - Excitement or arousal from bragging about their own sexual exploits.
Iantronudia - The arousal that some people have when they expose themselves to doctors.
Idrophrodisia - Arousal from perspiration.
Inspectionism - Voyeurism.
Irrumation - Fellatio.
Kleptolagnia - Arousal from stealing.
Klismaphilia - Arousal from having an enema.
Knismolagnia - Arousal from tickling.
Lactaphilia - Arousal from lactating breasts.
Lagnonector - A person that kills in order to have sex with the corpse.
Leptosadism - Mild sadism.
Lygerastia - Being aroused only when in darkness.
Maieusiophilia - Arousal from the sight or presence of pregnant females.
Mastix - A female sadist.
Mastofact - Breast fetish.
Mazoperosis - Mutilation of the breasts.
Meable - Easily penetrated.
Melcryptovestimentaphilia - Attraction to women's black underwear.
Melolagnia - Arousal from music.
Meretricium - A tax on prostitution.
Menophilist - Arousal from menstruating women.
Merinthophilia - Arousal from being bound.
Miscegenation - Sex or marriage between people of different races.
Mixoscopy - The secret observation of a sex act.
Moriaphilia - Arousal from telling sex related jokes.
Mucophagy - The consuming of nasal mucus.
Munchausen's syndrome - Arousal from opening a wound.
Mysophilia - The arousal from handling soiled underwear or foul odors.
Nanophilia - Attraction to short people.
Naphephilia - Arousal from touching or being touched.
Narratophilia - Arousal from telling sex related stories, poems, jokes etc.
Nasophilia - Arousal from kissing, sucking, touching or looking at another's nose.
Necrochlesis - The act of having sex with a corpse.
Necrophilia - Attraction to, or arousal from, corpses.
Necrosadism - Mutilation of corpses for sexual purposes.
Nepiophilia - Adults attraction to an infant of the opposite sex.
Nosolagnia - Arousal from knowing that ones partner has a terminal illness.
Nymphophilia - The love of a female adolescent by an adult.
Nymphotomy - The surgical procedure whereby the inner labia is cut away.
Ochlophilia - Refers to those own find the presence of crowds to bring sexual pleasure.
Oculophilia - Eyeball fetish.
Oculolinctus - The act of licking a persons eyeball for sexual arousal/fulfilment.
Ochlophilia - Arousal from biting.
Odontophilia - Arousal from teeth.
Ondinisme - Arousal from urine.
Ozolagnia - Arousal from odors.
Pageism - Male submitting to a female.
Paizogony - Petting.
Pathicant - A minor who engages in anal sex with an adult.
Paraphilia - Arousal from acts that are generally considered unacceptable by the fetishist (themselves) or society.
Pecattiphilia - Sexual excitement from stealing or sinning.
Pediophilia - Attraction to dolls.
Penotherapy - Regulation of prostitutes as a form of disease control.
Paedophilia - Adult sexual attraction to children.
Phallophilia - Arousal from an erect penis of exceptional dimensions (length or girth).
Philemanmania - Compulsion to kiss.
Philematology - The art of kissing.
Phlebotomy - Blood letting. Often practiced for sexual purposes by Vampyres.
Phobophilia - Arousal from fear.
Phygephilia - Arousal from flight (as in run away).
Podophilia - Foot fetish.
Polyiterophilia - The need for several sex partners before orgasm can occur.
Psychrocism - Arousal from cold, or, arousal from seeking another that is cold.
Psychrotentiginous - Arousal from cold water.
Pygmalionism - Attraction to manikins.
Pygophilia - Arousal from touching, playing with or seeing another's buttocks.
Pyrolagnia - Sexual arousal form watching fire.
Pyrophilia - Sexual arousal from fire.
Raptophilia - Arousal from raping a victim.
Rhabdophilia - Arousal from being flogged, beaten or caned.
Sacofricosis - The practice of cutting a hole in the pockets of trousers so that a person can masturbate (usually in public).
Satyriasis - Male equivalent of nymphomania.
Scopophilia - Arousal from looking at people or events.
Shunammitism - Contact (does not have to be physical) with young girls by old men to encourage or restore sexual vigor.
Siderodromophilia - Sexual excitement from either viewing or riding upon trains.
Sitophilia - The use of food for sexual purposes.
Sthenolagnia - Arousal from a display of strength and/or the sight or muscles.
Stigmatophilia - Finding body modifications arousing (tattoos, piercings, scarification etc.)
Symphorophilia - Sexual arousal from causing many casualties (train crash, burning hospitals, explosions).
Tantalolagnia - Arousal from teasing.
Taphephilia - Arousal from being buried alive.
Thalpotentiginy - Arousal from heat.
Timophilia - Arousal from power or wealth.
Tragolimia - Desire for sex regardless of attraction to partner.
Trichophilia - Hair Fetish.
Tripsolagnia - Arousal from having one's hair shampooed by another.
Tripsolagnophilia - Arousal from massage.
Urophilia - Sexual arousal from contact with urine.
Urtication - The use of stinging plants to stimulate the skin.
Vampirism - The drinking of blood/fetishism for blood.
Vicarphilia - Arousal from another person sexual experience/s.
Vincilagnia - Arousal from bondage.
Xenophilia - Sexual arousal from strangers.
Zelophilia - Arousal from jealousy.
Zoophilia - Sex between humans and (other) animals.
Zwischenstufe - Arousal from person/s of the same sex.
Anophelorastia: arousal from defiling or ravaging a partner
Antholagnia: arousal from smelling flowers
Asthenolagnia: arousal from weakness or being humiliated
Basoexia: arousal from kissing
Coprophilia: arousal from playing with feces, also called scat
Cratolagnia: arousal from strength of partner
Cynophilia: arousal from sex with dogs
Dendrophilia: arousal from tree or fertility worship of them
Maschalophilous: arousal from armpits
Omolagnia: arousal from nudity
Ophidiophilia: arousal from snakes
Retifism: shoe fetish
Robotism: attraction to or the use of robots in sex play
Sarmassophilia: arousal from kneading flesh
Scopophilia: arousal from looking at people or events
Somnophilia: fondling a stranger in their sleep
Spectrophilia: either coitus with spirits or arousal from images in mirrors
Strabismus: arousal from eyes of partner
Teledildonics: arousal from computer sex games
Telephonicophilia: arousal from using phone calls for sexual conversations
Thlipsosis: arousal from pinching others
Titillagnia: arousal from tickling
Troilism: arousal by being third party in sex scene
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