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I’m not unfriending you specifically, I’m unfriending all. So that when I inevitably log in to my deactivated account, no one will be there, ultimately freeing me from this monstrous website. Many of you won’t even notice, and that’s ok. I feel certain that within a matter of days, and in passing years, should I live to see them, I will have forgotten many of you, and you will have easily forgotten me. I want to return to the anonymity of the 90’s, when we were able to move into the future free of a shackle to the past. A while ago, I ran into an old friend, that for some reason had not become a Facebook based friend. Our brief reunion was so pleasant, so free of the uncomfortable sensation of already knowing things I shouldn’t, so free from a sense of obligation to stay passively in touch forever. It was nice. I want the potential to experience that with you. I want to have only real conversations. I want opinions to be expressed when they are relevant, timely and necessary in the immediate and local present. I often want to tell the couple hundred of you people to shut the fuck up about your useless opinions on matters that really do not pertain to you, but that would be rude. I myself will shut the fuck up. I’ve had a few significant situations in life defiled by this unnecessary archive of the past; there is that aspect as well. Hey I LOVE YOU. If you see me on the street, or at the store or wherever, say hi. I’ll leave this here for a little while to give ya a chance to see it.

Phillip Yñiguez

submitted by: Admin

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